Local Physician who stood out among the best

Local Physician who stood out among the best

Before you go to Nashville searching for a surgeon, make sure you check out Clarksville first. You may think that if you go to a big hospital, you will have better skilled surgeons to select from as well as a strong hospital. Well, I found out, we have that right here in this area.

Even my first thoughts were Nashville until I searched around and spoke with a lot of local people who gave me one particular orthopaedic surgeon whom they felt stood out among the best. His name is William H. DeVries, MD!

Dr. DeVries operated on me, giving me a right hip replacement. I had been dealing with a limp in my walk for over two years. My quality of life was going down hill extremely fast. The day I walked into his office and I listened to his expertise in this field, I knew he was the right choice for me.

My hip was extremely bad and the surgery was intense. I woke up with no pain, which is incredible and hard to believe! It's been nine days from the surgery and I absolutely have had no pain.

Thanks to Dr. DeVries, his nurse, Kelly, and the Gateway Medical Center staff who touched my heart with their kindness and strong nursing practice. I will always be grateful. Stay local, if possible!

Originally posted to The Leaf Chronicle - Feburary 11, 2015


- Linda Kay Howle