

Good morning Dr. Kurtz,

Unbelievable, that's all I have to say. You replaced my hip a little over 2 weeks ago and I feel great. I'm up walking over 3 blocks a day and doing resistance workouts. Whatever therapy throws at me, I have no problem accomplishing. My leg feels stronger than ever. No more sharp groin pains or snapping and popping with feelings of instability.

You got me off the couch and back in action. I'm so excited to be able to go play basketball with my son and not have to stop due to pain or being afraid of overdoing it.

Not just the hip pain has been taken care of with this surgery, in the past three years of dealing with this disease I have had tremendous weight gain, high blood pressure and depression all of which I feel like I have a better grip in handling these problems now adding years to my life and bettering the quality. I know my family appreciates this even my dog who I'm about to take for a walk.

You are truly a gifted surgeon and I am thanking God that I was referred to you. I work quality improvement for one of the largest medical supply companies in the country. I'm directing anybody with joint problems to you.

- Corbett