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TOA Tips Sports Performance - TOA's "Under One Roof" Philosophy

We are joined by S. Matthew Rose, MD, and Les C. Whitley, MS, discussing Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance’s “Under One Roof” philosophy that has helped shape and define culture and values within Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance. All in-house, Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance has trainers to help athletes achieve peak performance, surgeons to help remedy injuries, orthopedic doctors, rehab and physical therapy centers, urgent care centers to help provide immediate help when needed, qualified and dedicated professionals, and much more. Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance’s holistic approach to helping athletes achieve their performance goals is what makes us so effective.

At Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance, we are able to provide the individual attention and expertise needed to help each athlete that walks through our doors recover and re-engage their sport of choice at optimal performance levels. Through sport-specific therapy, we are able to tailor our plans to each individual's needs, not just apply generic one-size-fits-all solutions. At Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance, we are able to guide athletes through the entire recovery and repair period, from seeing physicians to understand the root cause of injury, providing surgical and non-surgical tactics to remedy and repair, and working with clinicians to guide them through the entire recovery process.

Our distinct approach to recovery enables our team to constantly discover new insights that teach us how we can provide the best service to our athletes to maintain continuity of care and fulfill the elite level of quality expected within the Tennessee Orthopedic Alliance organization. To be able to provide all that we do under one roof is what makes Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance such an excellent, first-choice provider for the unique recovery needs that our athletes seek. Through dynamic shared learning between all the different facets of our organization, we are able to meet and exceed our patient's expectations. At Tennessee Orthopedic Alliance, we don’t just follow the best practices regarding recovery, we set them.

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