TOA Testimonials

"Nothing but good things to say" about Dr. DeVries & Clarksville Team

I went in with an overly swollen knee. Dr. Devries took one look at it and said that needs to be fixed. Well the next week he had me on the table and did his thing. Eight weeks later and I'm back to work full time and feeling much better. Nothing but good things to say about the people that work in the Clarksville office!

- Alan | Clarksville
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Dr. Ogelsby "Top-notch Surgeon"

I visited Dr. Wills Oglesby at TOA on 3/16/2021 for a metacarpal fracture to my left hand. As always, he's a top-notch surgeon and is also friendly, easy to talk to, professional, doesn’t rush you, and is genuinely a very nice person.

Not only did he thoroughly explain my injury and give information to me on self-care, he also set-up a follow-up appointment to view progress and see if physical therapy is needed. Even though not scheduled he also administered a “painless” steroid injection into my right shoulder.

If you have issues with hands or shoulders, Dr. Oglesby is the orthopedic specialist to see.

- Robert ‘Dennis’ Roberts | Coopertown, TN
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Nashville Firefighter Back on the Job after Successful Surgery with Dr. Justin West

On August 15, 2018, Reginald Wallace was involved in an accident while riding his motorcycle. He was struck by a car, thrown from his motorcycle, and knocked unconscious. When he regained consciousness, he felt a sharp pain in his right foot and noticed heavy swelling in his legs and around his knees. After x-rays were performed, it was determined that he had torn three ligaments in his left leg.

“I was assigned to Dr. Justin West (great dude by the way!) and he was very informative as we discussed the options for fixing my injuries. Dr. West provided me a video so that I could have a better understanding of the surgery. The day of the operation, things went great, but once out of surgery, I remember being in so much pain. The next day I started physical therapy and quickly made friends with the TOA staff.

Therapy was very intense. These men and women pushed me through and there were times when I was not pleased with my progression or felt stagnate. They were quick to remind me that my injury was unique and that it will take time. From the time of surgery, to December, I wasn’t allowed to put weight on my left leg. Finally, I got the greenlight from Dr. West and physical therapist, Stephanie Morgan. I just remember walking into therapy and asking, “Do I need these crutches?”

The answer was “Can you walk without them?”

I remember setting them to the side and the facial expressions of my support team, as I took my first steps without crutches on my newly rebuilt leg.”

- Reginald Wallace
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Successful Achilles Repair with Dr. Paul Crook

My TOA experience was great. I tore my Achilles, and Dr. Crook and his team had me active in 5 months. Great overall experience!

- Justin B. | Nashville, TN
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Disc Fusion with Dr. Shibayama

Dr Shibayama is amazing! I have had no pain since my surgery. I had a disc fusion and was up and walking the same day with no more pain! I recommend him highly! Thank you soooo much!

- Marla Reames | Smyrna
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45,000 pain free miles thanks to Dr. Michael Jordan

In the eight years since David had his knee replacement surgery with Dr. Michael Jordan, he has cycled 45,000 pain free miles. He expects to pass 50,000 this year!

“Since I retired five years ago I am averaging between 6,000 and 8,000 miles per year. Before retirement, I rode anywhere from 1,500 to 4,000 miles per year. The knee replacement has made a huge difference. I have been cycling since 1976, but the 4-5 years before the knee replacement at the end of 2012, were lower mileage because of pain with almost every pedal stroke. I am now enjoying cycling as much if not more than ever.”
- David Dyer
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Rotator Cuff Repair with Dr. Paul Crook

I woke up one morning in late March 2020 with pain in my right shoulder/arm. I thought I had slept on it wrong. I'm a very active person and my shoulder kept me from doing even the smallest things like taking off a shirt or putting on a jacket. I couldn't hold myself up to do plank holds or push-ups. I didn't know what I did to cause this pain and limited range of motion I was experiencing.

I started doing physical therapy exercises, going to a massage therapist, and going to a chiropractor. I have a small (30 lb.) dog that likes to get on my bed in the middle of the night, but needs help. I realized one night when I went to pick him up (while laying in my bed) that my shoulder would not allow me to do this motion without pain. I realized at that moment, this is how I injured myself.

Fast-forward to October 2020. My arm is not getting any better, in fact, it's getting worse and also very weak. I called TOA to make an appointment. I met Dr. Paul Crook. He was very friendly and knowledgeable. He ordered an MRI arthrogram of my shoulder. Turns out I have a 75% torn rotator cuff and would need surgery.

The day of surgery at Baptist Ambulatory Surgery Center, I was treated so well. The nurses, anesthesiologist, and everyone else who I encountered were so friendly and helpful and had a wonderful bedside manner. Dr. Crook did an amazing job on my surgery. I had only four small puncture incisions which have healed nicely.

The day after surgery I went to my first post-op appointment and Dr. Crook explained everything he did and showed me before and after pictures of my shoulder. I began physical therapy a few days later.

I did PT twice a week for three months. I could see improvements each week. I was so excited when I could finally put my hair up in a ponytail.

Today, after three months of physical therapy, massage therapy, and at home stretching and strength training, Dr. Crook told me I was good to go. I was able to run three miles a couple days ago without pain in my shoulder from the movement. This was my first major surgery and I am so happy with the results. I will definitely choose Dr. Crook if I am ever in need of an ortho again!

- Suk Lowman | Nashville, TN
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Wrist Surgery Success with Dr. Martha George

Dr. George is a wonderful surgeon. I broke my wrist and it required a plate and screws. She did a terrific job. I would definitely go back to her if I ever need an orthopedic surgeon. I would also recommend her to friends and family.

- Annette Elizabeth Lening | Lebanon,TN & Mt, Juliet,TN
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"Dr. Petty is an amazing surgeon!"

Dr. Petty is an amazing surgeon! I came to him with a UCL tear in my elbow and he fixed it right up. He is very professional and works with you in order to get you back to normal. The surgery did not take long at all and I was back to working out a few months later with no issues. The stitches healed very nicely as well. If I ever have another injury, Dr. Petty will be my first call. His PA Blake is also great. Blake explained the injury and the surgery process in great detail to me. This was my first surgery and both Blake and Dr. Petty made me feel very comfortable and reassured me that I would be back to working out very soon.

- Morgan McNally | One City
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Shoulder Repair by Dr. Paul Crook

I had my left shoulder's rotator cuff and bicep repaired in early November. Dr. Paul Crook was my doctor. He did a wonderful job. I have full mobility and no pain. I am very pleased with his work and with the TOA physical therapist at Clarksville, TOA. Thank you all!

- Shirley | Clarksville, TN
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Knee Replacement Success with Dr. Koch

Dr. Koch is the best! After many years of daily pain in my knees I finally decided to do something about it. I made an appt with TOA to see Dr. Koch in Aug 2020, had x-rays, and discussed the problem and my different options. I wasn't sure I wanted surgery. I left feeling sure about what the problem was, but still not sure about what I wanted to do about it. After several more weeks and trying one of the suggested alternatives to surgery several times, I knew my knees weren't going to get any better.

I made an appointment to let Dr. Koch know that I was ready for surgery. He took time to explain what the experience would be like before, during and after surgery and the great staff at TOA handled everything from insurance, to getting me set up for pre-op at the hospital. I had bilateral knee replacement on 10/21/2020 and the 2-4 day period wasn't that great, but Dr. Koch had prepared me for that ahead of time. But from the fifth day until now, even though not painless, I can see improvement every day! I knew choosing surgery and a great surgeon was definitely my best option to have my life back and to be active again without hurting constantly. Today marks three and a half weeks of not having a lot of pain. At this point I am able to walk one mile unassisted, plus daily therapy exercises. So glad I had surgery and would do it again if I had to (but hopefully not Lol). Thank you so much Dr. Koch and TOA staff.

- Tami Huff | White House, TN
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Successful ACL & LCL Reconstruction with Meniscal Repair with Dr. Paul Crook

On December 31, 2019, I was skiing and hurt my knee. I didn't know how bad the tear was, but I knew it was at least a torn ACL. I immediately flew home and went to TOA for an MRI, and found out that I had torn my ACL, LCL, and Meniscus. When I heard the news, I wasn't sure that I'd be able to continue to do the things I enjoyed in life. I'm a pretty active person, and I knew knee injuries were serious so I was scared. When I told people that I injured my knee, they would always say they were sorry for me, and that I'd be in their thoughts and prayers. I even had a guy say that he'd had something similar happen to his knee, and he was never the same again after his injury. When people would tell me this I would think about the uphill climb I had to get back to normal and how hard it was going to be, but I would also remind myself that I had a great team at TOA on my side led by Dr. Paul Crook.

At four months out from surgery, I was able to run a mile without stopping. It was an amazing feeling. At six months, I was able to run multiple miles without pain and I was working out 3 to 4 times a week. Now, at nine months, I can confidently say that I am fully recovered and able to participate in all the activities I loved to do before my injury. I know that without Dr. Crook and his amazing team at TOA, that I wouldn't be in the same place that I am right now. I owe my recovery to them and their expertise and experience!

- Harrison Lee Wachtler | Nashville, Tennessee
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