TOA Testimonials

Murfreesboro high school student competing again

TOA Murfreesboro physician, Lydia White, shared the most encouraging story regarding one of her patients:

'I have a patient, Ross Sessions, who's a senior at Siegel High School. One year ago, I met him in the Emergency Room after he suffered terrible fractures of his left wrist and right elbow during a pole vaulting accident. At the time, his injuries were so severe that it seemed unlikely he would ever vault again. I did surgery to correct the deformity, and he had to work very hard to regain his strength and motion. I still remember asking him, do you really want to go back to pole vaulting? I thought he would be scared, but instead he said, "I'm going to try." Recently, I received an email from his mother telling me he was once again competing, and I went to see him in a district meet. Not only did Ross win, he vaulted his personal best, 10'9! He's also won the county pole vaulting championship this year. It took a lot of bravery for him to make a comeback, and I am so proud of him.

Ross, on behalf of Dr. White and all of us here at TOA, please accept our most enthusiastic congratulations! We are all so proud and thrilled for you, your amazing recovery and this outstanding achievement. Way to go!

- Dr. Lydia A. White
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Duck season on target thanks to Dr. Stahlman

I survived the duck season in Arkansas & have not had any issues as before the surgery.

Headed to Argentina in a few weeks thanks to your procedure.

- Steve Wright
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Local Physician who stood out among the best

Before you go to Nashville searching for a surgeon, make sure you check out Clarksville first. You may think that if you go to a big hospital, you will have better skilled surgeons to select from as well as a strong hospital. Well, I found out, we have that right here in this area.

Even my first thoughts were Nashville until I searched around and spoke with a lot of local people who gave me one particular orthopaedic surgeon whom they felt stood out among the best. His name is William H. DeVries, MD!

Dr. DeVries operated on me, giving me a right hip replacement. I had been dealing with a limp in my walk for over two years. My quality of life was going down hill extremely fast. The day I walked into his office and I listened to his expertise in this field, I knew he was the right choice for me.

My hip was extremely bad and the surgery was intense. I woke up with no pain, which is incredible and hard to believe! It's been nine days from the surgery and I absolutely have had no pain.

Thanks to Dr. DeVries, his nurse, Kelly, and the Gateway Medical Center staff who touched my heart with their kindness and strong nursing practice. I will always be grateful. Stay local, if possible!

Originally posted to The Leaf Chronicle - Feburary 11, 2015

- Linda Kay Howle
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Professionalism and warmth shown by Dr. Stahlman and his staff

“I recently visited TOA for a couple of joint issues I had and was quite impressed with the level of professionalism and warmth that Dr. Stahlman and his staff showed to me. The entire visit from initial intake to the physician consultation to the checkout process was very smooth and reassuring. Additionally, the wait times were minimal without feeling rushed. I feel certain that I’m in good hands with the folks that are taking care of me at TOA.”

- Joe Marfone
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Music To Our Ears

It was serendipity and just plain Nashville. (Well, technically it occurred in our Franklin clinic but that still counts!) Walking by a patient room, our ears perked up hearing the rhythmic sound of an acoustic guitar being played. Mr. Robert Orr, Jr., retired trial lawyer, was visiting Dr. Dave Alexander for his post-operative checkup. Dr. Alexander operated on Mr. Orr’s hand, to release a trigger finger, back in early August. Much to the enjoyment of Dr. Alexander and the TOA staff, Mr. Orr is already playing the guitar again.

- Robert Orr, Jr., Esq.
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Good morning Dr. Kurtz,

Unbelievable, that's all I have to say. You replaced my hip a little over 2 weeks ago and I feel great. I'm up walking over 3 blocks a day and doing resistance workouts. Whatever therapy throws at me, I have no problem accomplishing. My leg feels stronger than ever. No more sharp groin pains or snapping and popping with feelings of instability.

You got me off the couch and back in action. I'm so excited to be able to go play basketball with my son and not have to stop due to pain or being afraid of overdoing it.

Not just the hip pain has been taken care of with this surgery, in the past three years of dealing with this disease I have had tremendous weight gain, high blood pressure and depression all of which I feel like I have a better grip in handling these problems now adding years to my life and bettering the quality. I know my family appreciates this even my dog who I'm about to take for a walk.

You are truly a gifted surgeon and I am thanking God that I was referred to you. I work quality improvement for one of the largest medical supply companies in the country. I'm directing anybody with joint problems to you.

- Corbett
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Path to Recovery

Dr. Beazley did a great job diagnosing me and injecting my shoulder….but from the get go you guys were all so kind to me. I have never been through anything like this, but your practice and instruction helped to put me on the path to recovery. I would have done any stretching exercises myself, but I needed the extra help from you to give me that extra boost.

- Darlene
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Back in Action

I want to thank you for the great job on my hip replacement. It won't be 5 weeks until Thursday, and today I was able to do 26 minutes on the elliptical machine, 20 minute on the exercise ball, and I walked a little over a mile with one of my neighbors. I never expected to be able to exercise this way again or at least not this soon. I tried last week to jog a little on the treadmill and could not, but after today I may try again later this week. I'm still a little stiff when I walk up stairs or up a steep incline but that is better everyday and often if I don't think about what I am doing I'll walk up a few steps without a problem.

Wherever I go, anyone who knows I had my hip replaced is amazed at how much I can do and how fast I recovered. The physical therapist that came to the house asked for your name and number because they wanted to refer people to you. I was the first patient they had seen with minimal incision hip replacement.

- N.R.
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Sincere Thanks

I would like to express my sincere thanks to the wonderful staff at Tennessee Orthopaedic Alliance. You've given me the mobility to enjoy life two times, and both were pressuring circumstances. After nine surgeries, I can say that your team is unparalleled.

- Gary S.
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Played 9 Holes Today!

I played nine (9) holes today and hit the ball as far as I ever did with no pain whatsoever! Tomorrow (4/15) will be one month anniversary of operation (hip replacement). Still weak (lost 15 lbs.) but getting appetite back and expect to start regaining weight.Could have played more but ran out of steam and didn't want to push it. Thanks for everything.

I haven't taken pain medication for the last 2 1/2 weeks.

- Dick (83 Years Old)
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Doing Great

Hi Dr. Stahlman,

I just wanted to let you know that I am doing absolutely GREAT! My right leg muscles are still a little weak, but to be expected. I have been doing lots of walking and even turkey hunted this weekend and did lots of walking/hiking. No turkey though. By the time the weekend was over the only pain I had was in my right leg muscles, getting them back in shape, and a very mild ache in the SI joint area, which is now gone. There is no question this surgery has been an overwhelming success.

Whenever I have gone into surgery, my only hope and prayer has been that I come out better than I went in. I never expect to be like new. However, I have not felt this good in years!!! I hope time doesn't change that, but right now I would rate my improvement as about 95%. I can't thank you enough! I knew TOA was the way to go. I was spending way too much time in my chair, and I am now a free man, thanks to you! Thank you again, I hope others experience the level of relief that I have.

- Jeff S.
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Heartfelt Gratitude

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for taking such wonderful care of me during the long siege with my back. Your forthright and patient bedside manner is exemplary. I feel very much indebted to you for my present state of health. I feel well and have more energy than I have had in two or three years.

- Juanita B.
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